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Procedure for Dental Braces treatment – Step by Step

braces dentist

The first step for dental teeth braces is for a patient to be referred to an dental teeth braces specialist dentist in East Delhi – orthodontist East Delhi due to concerns about the positioning of the teeth in the jaw. In the first orthodontist appointment, the teeth should be examined manually and with X-rays images. It is also important to discuss the dental history with the patient, which will help to guide the treatment decisions.

If from the initial consultation it is deemed that treatment with teeth braces in Delhi, is appropriate for the patient’s situation, further decisions such as the type of braces and the duration of treatment will need to be decided.

A cheek retractor is used to make sure that the teeth remain dry and visible throughout the procedure to place dental braces. The teeth should be polished well, conditioned, air-dried and primed before the brackets are placed to help the bonds to form properly.

Dental cement is used to hold the brackets in place on the teeth, in the exact position that was determined during the initial examinations. Any excess dental cement can then be removed, and the bonding of the brackets to the teeth is strengthened with a high-intensity light.

Once the dental braces are in place as desired, the cheek retractor can be removed and dental arch wires can be put in place. The complete placement process is relatively fast and typically takes less than 20 minutes.

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