If your child needs braces, it can be a little more difficult to tell. If a child has baby teeth that are crooked or crowded, it can be a sign that they will need braces in the future.

Dental Braces Signs Include:

  • breathing through the mouth
  • jaws that click or make other sounds
  • being prone to biting the tongue, roof of the mouth, or inside of the cheek accidentally
  • thumb-sucking or using a pacifier past the age of 2
  • early or late loss of baby teeth
  • teeth that don’t come together even when the mouth is shut completely
  • teeth that are crooked or crowded

Poor nutrition during the infant and toddler stage, poor dental hygiene, and genetics are all reasons why children may end up needing braces.

Dr. Amit Goswami, strongly recommends that all children to have an appointment with an orthodontist no later than age 7. The logic behind this recommendation is that when a need for braces is identified, early treatment can improve outcomes.

Even children with no visible crowding or slant to their teeth can benefit from a check-in with an orthodontist.

The best age for getting braces varies from person to person. Most of the time, treatment with braces begins between the ages of 9 and 14, once children start to get their permanent teeth.

But for some people, treatment with braces as a child is just not possible. Whether because of expense, inconvenience, or lack of diagnosis, many people have to put off orthodontic treatment until their adult years.

Technically, you’re never too old for braces. However, that doesn’t mean you should continue to put off treatment.

Whenever you’re ready to pursue treatment for crowded or crooked teeth, you can schedule an appointment.

Remember that as you age, your jaw will continue to grow, which can cause an increased crowding or narrowing of your teeth. If you wait on treating an overbite or crooked teeth, the problem won’t improve or resolve itself.

The sooner you can speak with a professional about getting braces, the better.

At Delhi Dental Center in New Delhi, India. Dr. Amit Goswami and Dr. Vandana Goswami are Orthodontic Dental Braces and Aligner Specialist’s Dentist. We provide all different types of teeth braces treatments that can help align your teeth and jaw to benefit your oral health and give you a beautiful, confident smile.

Our team of specialist orthodontic Braces Dentists will take Panaromic x-rays and teeth models to evaluates the structure of your teeth and mouth, as well as your overall oral health, and we can work with you to determine if getting braces is the best solution for you. Our goal is to give you a healthy mouth plus a beautiful smile.


To learn more about braces, and to see if you’re a good candidate, call us at 9968288257 today, or use the online booking tool. If you have questions, feel free to send our team a message.